Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Wall-E and Cars were all thought up during the same lunch by the Pixar writers so there are a bunch of scenes reused in each movie
plus the pizza truck from toy story
Even the pizza car from Toy Story... :D
yall think thats bad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzyLZYYb2qk
What's the coolest part is the pizza truck.
Hey, if disney has something to do with it, it's gotta be reused.
You can also see the car in finding nemo. When Gil is explaining the plan on how to escape the tank, the part when he says "across the street" ta da! There's the car again. Also in Cars the car in in the stands of the race.
I don't get it.
mind = blown
It's called an EASTER EGG! =]
they do this stuff on purpose too
they explain these things in the bonus features you fucking twit!!
I thought everyone knew this. Seriously, what kind of idiot posted this?
Yes, they reused the scene so as to not have to completely recreate it. It's done in many animated movies.
This was intentional. They reference other movies by cameos or locations alot.
Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Wall-E and Cars were all thought up during the same lunch by the Pixar writers so there are a bunch of scenes reused in each movie