Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
wait, no, it's fake http://i.imgur.com/1YRVF.jpg
This fake can't be unseen.
Son, I am disappoint.
You all are stupid, it can't be unseen that someone actually went to all this trouble to fake this
Wrong color dresses, wrong suit color, wrong hair colors BOOM!
Every body remembers that men's life seems to be not cheap, however people need money for various stuff and not every man gets enough cash. Therefore to get quick personal loans or term loan should be a proper solution.
Apparently no one can take a joke and the obvious -__-
Anyone who thinks it's real obviously hasn't seen the movie
To those who believed this was true: Did you never watch Cinderella when you were a kid?
I think it's trying to say that they look similar when it's faked. screw it though, **** this crap!!
cool, someone knows how to use an online colouring book
Even so, Beatrice isn't someone you'd choose to wake up next to.
either way the picture is amazing :)
Internet conspiracy theory- they changed the colors on the dresses and hair to match.
With the link to the debunk do not replace the y with n just trust me
sooooooooooo faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeee brrooooooooo
wait, no, it's fake http://i.imgur.com/1YRVF.jpg