Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
It seems that when they granted Scott Pilgrim the "Power of Love" they actually meant it to be in the form of a penis and not a sword.
To the guy asking "WHAT IS WITH ALL OF YOU AND PENIS?": This image doesn't imply a penis. The circled area shows testicles. Get your mind out of the gutter.
NO. Just no.
Where a man's heart is truly located.
**** **** took my ****
Oh shut the fuck up. Quit being retarded and dirty minded, its just some design choice you're looking way too deep into. The actual sword fully doesn't look like a penis, it just looks like a katana. This is super dumb.
My dick is shaped like a sword and my balls like hearts, U mirin, bro?
shoepac segni risk conga giga yoni midi minis arcaded ajee gonia vav lyssa baba deli tunicae litu almud add assais alpaca maile boll acerb acre dick rabato leprotic apaches sutler rabic sabra cibol ahem urbanite race radios lumenal epacts abas sylva vagi asarum mura saiga vav lyssa bast capelan emulsoid areca retina brume halo bicarb asci barrel tusseh capacitor pelota bark cider cab recall obelia mac aplasias sad dad umlaut ileac inutile dab abas sylva vain ogee jaded acrasin imid imino yagi gag nocks iring escape ohs it a palindrome.
WHAT A DlCK. No really. LOL
It seems that when they granted Scott Pilgrim the "Power of Love" they actually meant it to be in the form of a penis and not a sword.