Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
I don't get it
The Toyota logo was designed so that you can trace every letter of TOYOTA in the logo somewhere.
Say what you want, it looks like 3 ovals to me
a glade candle
If you ask me I always saw all the letters that spell TOYOTA in the logo. The T and Y are the same thing and the A is a stretch, but I've seen it since I was like 2.
It's a samurai helmet. Tatemono or datemono (helmet crests): Kabuto are often adorned with crests called datemono or tatemono;[7] the four types of crests were: maedate (front crest), wakidate (side crests), kashiradate (top crest), and ushirodate (rear crest). These can be family or clan emblems, or flat or sculptural objects representing animals, mythical entities, prayers or other symbols. Horns are particularly common, and many kabuto sport kuwagata, or stylized deer horns.
It's a cowboy hat
Toyota: Moving Forward... ...Even when you don't want it to.
I see a T for Toyota
I always thought that logo looks like bull's head. My friend insisted it was rice in cup
I don't get it