Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
OK is a stick person sideways with a detached head? Interesting.. Also, no joke... the "Captcha" for this was "O.K foraying". And I just failed miserably... I tried to take a screenshot and refreshed the page... FUUUUCK!
OK by day QK by night
The word "bed" looks like a bed.
llama = a llama laying down :)
No it isn't. QK is the spy.
WTF get a job
And this is why you don't binge on acid, kids.
i prefer OGC.
I think I know this guy...looks like an ex of mine. PS..I faked it EVERYTIME
.... dokay!
Fuckin fag
during the civil war it meaned 0 (zero) Kills
L A O Flip it upside down
QK is a ninja
You're not okay.. Your head is... You're fine.
The dude in this picture looks nothing like a stick figure. Not OK...
Now we've known what OK means...
OK by day, OGC by afternoon, QK by night.
How is this relevant to stick people?
I love how stupid ones (like this) always end up on top
OK by day...OGC by night!
OK = normal stikman QK = ninja stickman (or rambo) QGK = BADASS NINJA STICKMAN GONNA CHOP YOU IN HALF
"Association Knepper" is the captcha for me wtf thats long
"WTF get a job" would a blowjob work?
OH oh im doing the splits
No you're not! Your entire torso's missing, and your head is severed!
spy? ninja? fuk that! QK is someone's detached head sucking a dick
The word "snap your fucking head off" looks like "snap your fucking head off". Though we all know that.
and UK is an guy in a Pac-Man cosplay
OEK by day OKE by night
I can I honestly say, FINGER BOX TIEMZ!!
QK is a ninja. I WIN!!!!!!!
OK is a stick person sideways with a detached head? Interesting.. Also, no joke... the "Captcha" for this was "O.K foraying". And I just failed miserably... I tried to take a screenshot and refreshed the page... FUUUUCK!