Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
i have a PhD on ass-rapery
PSYCHO THE RAPIST would have been lot better
PHD = Pretty Huge Dick btw, so imagine a Psycho The Rapist with a PHD? o.0
Tobias Fünke, M.D. - ANALRAPIST
I knew there was something wrong with my therapist...
That's the sound your mother made last night, Trebek!
Analrapist: Part Analyst, Part Therapist.
Rape is never funny. Fuck you.
saturday night live jeopardy thought of it first. YOU FAIL
Eddsworld comics win!
what's really funny is I am a massage therapist. anyone want a happy ending for $50??? females are $100, 'cuz they take longer.
I'm a psychologist, analyst and therapist. They call me Psycho, Anal Rapist.
"prepare for your sodomy" "oooh, sounds fancy, some kind of cleansing technique?" "um, yea."
Let's try "The Rapists" for $20 Suck it Trebek ! (?
lol this was on Home Movies
Was on squidbillies (I didn't watch the show, honest!)
why do you think pedobear has a phd in child therapy?
It's not rape if you yell SUPRISE!
lol eddsworld
I take the "The" out of psychotherapist.
psychotherapist - the = ?????
Connery: "It looks like this is my lucky day!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAPEjcQvqSk
You can also say Philanthropist really fast, and come out with "Full on rapist".
Obviously, we have a rapist in lincoln park!
I saw this on SNL! Don't believe me? Here's a link! http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/25633d24e1/snl-celebrity-jeopardy-5-9-98
stolen from squidbillies?
you got that from celebrity jeoperdy! when sean says ill tkae the rapist for 400!
Thera must be pissed
I was an analyst and a therapist. The world's first "analrapist".
Manslaughter=mans laughter
Once, while traveling in a bus, my girlfriend saw an office for THE RAPIST once and hid under the seat. Needless to say, she didn't hide very well.
PHD = Pretty Huge Dick Now imagine how it goes: Psycho The Rapist with a PHD!
Mind TheRapist.
LOL , that's pretty funny wonder why I didn't catch that before o.o
Therapists: the rapists f the mind.
How *are* you?
Didn't they already make this joke in an Eddsworld comic?
My old English teacher had a band called the Therapists with the R capitalized.
thats why i stopped going to that place
Someday I will merge my great visions of my great Analyzing skills with Therapy. I shall be the first Analrapist
I have a PhD - Pretty Hugh Dick.
Yeah the squidbillies,it really funny
girl interrupted
lois lane mentions this in a Batman comic
Pretty obvious.
It all makes sense now....
Eh, I've known that for years.
well sean connery could have told you that
Therapist Finder - TheRapistFinder.com mole station nursery - MolestationNursery.com Experts Exchange - ExpertSexChange.com Power-Gen Italia - PowerGenitalia.com Pen Island - Penisland.net Who Represents? - WhorePresents
I would go see a therapist after seeing this... Buuuuut...
O hell no😂
i have a PhD on ass-rapery