Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
This is why they gave Nelson a vest.
why did i not see that beforee??
well there is the episode where nelsons father comes home, although WAAAAAY back in season 1 or 2 or so, he had a different father (a biker, that was the episode when homer trains the kids football team and kicks out nelson for bart).... anyways with that bitch of mother, why should we believe that his REAL father isn't someone else?
I actually believed that when I was a kid.
his long lost father.
actually, nelson's dad was revealed to be an actual normal guy, who had to abandon his family because he was kidnapped by a circus and forced to perform as a freak show because his face was all swelled up from a peanut allergey
papa... V/H/S 2 Reference! if you see the movie you will understand.
I think this is on purpose with the show because his mom is a whore and they keep it kind of back in forth in my mind over whether his dad is the mafia guy or Barney. plus compare the Nelson applies himself episodes to the Barney applies himself episodes they both get substantially better and show ample intelligence and dexterity. (mainly when Barney is training to be an astronaut and kicks the booze, and Nelson gets help from Lisa for school on a few eps.) Random 2 cents
"It's like looking into the future. Eerie, isn't it?"
lol when i was little i thought that barney was nelson's dad. but then i saw the episode with his real dad and forgot about it. now i'm starting to think it is his dad! lol
woah wtf
What the HELL this isso stupid. Nelson is related to Barney
I was gonna comment on something but the ad is Smokey watching me masturbate and the Captcha is Hocus pocus
"why did i not see that beforee??" probably because nelson wears a vest, that has been photoshopped out (look under his arm - it was there before)
All makes since now
Either his dad, or him when he's older.
They've shown Nelson's dad before though.
This truly left my mouth open...
You have to do a beer evolution thingy with Bart on the left. i.e. Bart will look like Barney after 30 years on the piss.
subramani subramani
good good
Barney got drunk and hit it
-high nasaly voice- HA HA!
I actually noticed this about a week ago when I was watching the show on TV