Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
here's a better one... the tie is actually his body
it's altair
This one is pretty fail, I could barely make myself see it.
I think the right pic is what god would look like
dongs are for ppl with vaginassss
But Really it Mr. Mackey from South Park
looks like one of the angry muppets actually
I see Dr. Zaius
come on man
It's beret as giant head, tiny body
Am I the only one who sees Andross from Starfox 64?
Can't be seen to be honest.
just saw it. the bow tie is his eyes. his beard is his nose. and the mustache is a grin. looks like yo noid!
i think ill be able to unsee this pretty quickly
It's a stick man. Eat a dick.
Definitely KU KLUX KLAN face.
Failtastic !
i dont get the "super hero face" but his neck tie looks like a little stick man with a giant head
Yes. Chewbacca was part of the KKK.
my captcha is "oh, you"
the colonel's a super hero? o-o okayy.
It looks like an angry chicken to me XD
chickennnnnnnn to the rescue
...super Osoma?...so that's where he's been hiding...
It looks more like the Boss's in Abe's Odyssey.
pinta coca tav lustra massa memos wergelt signor aba elodea aba elodea aba elodea aba knoll age poppa helio telega belt tesla vinyl human anableps ogre nobleman eat irones senorita enamel boner gospel banana muhly nival settle bagel etoile hap pope gallon ka baaed olea baaed olea baaed olea barong istle grewsome massa marts ulva taco catnip you just realized that its a palindrome.
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