Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
The names were the right way round VENOmoth from VENOnat but they swapped the images because gamefreak wanted Ash's 2nd pokemon to be Caterpie because thats one of the 1st ones you see whilst playing the game. But as said the Venomoth sprite isnt as cute as buttferree sprite.
"butterfree and venomoth got mixed up in the american version. This was the way it was originally supposed to be." Really so in the Japanese show when they have butterfree coming from metapod, that's just to screw with Americans? Retard
>but why would a caterpillar turn into a moth? Hmm? >>would a caterpillar turn into a moth? Where the fuck else do moths come from? Fucking idiot.
lol metapod looks like a sir
You poor, poor, morons. The sprites were switched in the original Japanese version, and they only made it canon in the show after they realized they fucked up.
Oh my god, this has got to be the pinnacle of the power of human observation. Whoever discovered this has to be a genius, to realize that antennae look like other antennae, and big cartoon eyes look like other big cartoon eyes...
how the hell is caterpie's feelers similar to venomoths crest? also, why would a gnat turn into a butterfly? caterpillars turn into butterflys :P
saw it too
lol, it's sad how many people go around talking crap about how this is impossible because they don't seem to realise moths come from caterpillars/cocoons too and that sometimes mistakes/changes are made in games. Even if Venomoths horns don't match especially well with Caterpie, they match even less with Venonats antennae.
oh look, more pokemon
Oh my god, this has got to be the pinnacle of the power of human observation. Whoever discovered this has to be a genius, to realize that antennae look like other antennae, and big cartoon eyes look like other big cartoon eyes...
Sorry, no, Caterpie is based on a butterfly caterpillar. Besides last time I checked Venomoth was already screwy. Despite appearances it's affected by ground type moves. Also the names Venonat and Venomoth match.
this is all bullshit, Metapod EVOLVES into BUTTERFREE whether you like it or not, so shut the fuck up the evolutions are right and it's impossible for them to have gotten mixed up in the americna versions cause all they changed was the dialogue from japanese to american.
OMG no way, pokemon made by the same artist look the same!
fuck u baybay
but why would a caterpillar turn into a moth? Hmm?
I play Digimon....
oh my god, pokemon that evolve from other pokemon look similar! DUDE NO WAY. my head hurts from the amount of fail.
butterfree and venomoth got mixed up in the american version. This was the way it was originally supposed to be.
Can you get another topic outside the pokemon...?
You're an idiot; there's nothing wrong with Pokémon. On the other hand, this particular one isn't very good.
if its like that then why is the show metapod to butterfree
venonat has cameltoe
you've obviously never heard of pokemon evolution, have you?
"butterfree and venomoth got mixed up in the american version. This was the way it was originally supposed to be." I'm pretty sure the original anime was simply dubbed over in english and venonat evolved to venomoth in that.. its more like the developers mixed them up somewhere along the way
Uhm, they were like that in the Japanese games too. Still though, i think they accidentally switched the sprites or something. The resemblance is too uncanny.
i like pickachew, he is yellow.
The names were the right way round VENOmoth from VENOnat but they swapped the images because gamefreak wanted Ash's 2nd pokemon to be Caterpie because thats one of the 1st ones you see whilst playing the game. But as said the Venomoth sprite isnt as cute as buttferree sprite.