Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
I gotta agree with this one. It looks quite deliberately like a lambda (HL symbol) sneaky bastards
Its intentional. If you look at Francis' hair in L4D1, he has a lambda hidden. They do this shit all the time.
Just remember if you tell that charger that it got owned. A live one will come and throw you in the water. True story.
the big arm and the 2 legs make the lambda of the Half Life logo.
It's a pinata!
Uhhhhh.... Hmmmm, Errrr... NO!
You Shits you are such a assholes like never before seen BITCHES!!! UHM... LIKE... A... WHORE In A Tight... Pussy??? Or An.. Dick... Dildo Or Uhmm...
i can imagine Valve putting an easteregg like this in a game. they do it all the time.
Not only is the Lambda an ongoing gag in Left4Dead, it's just a Valve thing all around.
half life was originally a sierra studios game. fck valve
if your smart you would realize that the makers of left 4 dead 2 (valve) created half life.
Welcome to Mississippi
its a valve reference in a valve game, like louis's quote "This is just like Counter-Strike"
is that guys left arm a horse neck .. ?
It's an ongoing gag in the Left4Dead series. The creators have done it more than once. Yes, it is the lambda symbol.
That must be the feller who masturbates all day long...
i never understood half life as you can easily get full health...
'That must be the feller who masturbates all day long'
Is... this... left... fo-............................r d-e-a-d?!?!?! waaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! more like piece of SHIT!!! MoreScarry is "silent hill 8" for me
Ahh, Valve, you never cease to pay tributes to your finest masterpiece in the video gaming world. EPIC WIN REGARDELESS.
I gotta agree with this one. It looks quite deliberately like a lambda (HL symbol) sneaky bastards