Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Cleverbot is Clever
I wonder when someone will invent a screenshot button?
Justin Bieberh
That's just so... Fucking... Epic.
Justin Bieber isn't gay. That would mean she was a BOY. DUH.
who didn't try this out after seeing it?
Print screen (Prt sc) copies the page. Paste it in paint.
'Print Screen' Use it!
I'm more concerned that Cleverbot eats little red headed boys.
well D'UH justin beiber is gay...who didnt know >.>
WTF????? Clever.......
I hereby appoint cleverbot king of the internet.
FAKE! my proof you ask? These chat bots allow you to edit their answers with that "Think for me" button at the bottom there. It's there so people can help provide more human answers to questions if it gives a robotic one. It then tries out the new response and sees if it seems more human to other users. You just click that button and then you can edit the answer to your choosing. You all = dumb.
Math sucks
Wait...he eats boys? WTF?
I tried it, but it said "You" Instead of look above
Where are the periods that it automatically puts in?
instead of "You Are" I got Timothy Leary
HERPDERP JUSTIN BIEBER IS A GIRL Why, hello, 12 year olds.
Wow 😲 Bieber is always the answer I guess 😂
especially red-heads?
How on earth do you think to look at the first letter of every word like that...?
Cleverbot is f*cking amazing
"In reply to the guy who has about 688 likes, there is a Print Screen button" I didn't make that comment, but that was meant to be sarcasm.
So THAT'S why Selena broke up with him!
MIND = BLOWN. I did that just now. It worked. Date = Oct 18, 2010.
just saying, it's most likely fake. there are firefox addons that let you do this if I remember correctly.
Who the fuck is Justin Bieber and why should I give a damn?
I'm pretty sure clever bot is talking about Tom
i just did that and cleverbot got angry
First two worked! "Who is gay" failed, though.
Did you really just take a picture of your computer screen?
""that's shopped. if you use cleverbot, the newest answer will be dark blue, the answer before that lighter blue and the one before that really light blue." Are you stupid? It's a darker blue because it's the LATEST ANSWER. The previous answers are always in a lighter color. How stupid can you be?" Hate to brake it to you, but you just restated what he just said.
hes everywhere!
Who the hell cares if they use screenshot or not? This isn't some picture-critic site or whatever. The whole point is to laugh, not go whining when someone doesn't use PrintScreen. Calm down ;)
People faking conversations with cleverbot... Get a life
Someone make Cleverbot acronyms a thing
Lol... slurp.
This is probably fake, if you right click the text, you can click on the bottom where it says ''Inspect'' or some shit like that... then you can right click the text in that box and edit what it says i have used this method to fuck with my friends on Wikipedia and other websites it's very simple
nooooooooooooooote: there are no capitalization and punctuations on what users says..... FAIK..... it's soooo photoshopped
Someone should invent a screenshot button.
Lmao!!!! So true!
I did the same but when I asked who is gay it said: Justin bieber! just like that I didnt even needed to look above
In reply to the guy who has about 688 likes, there is a Print Screen button
hehehe, clever bot is pretty up to date huh?
"that's shopped. if you use cleverbot, the newest answer will be dark blue, the answer before that lighter blue and the one before that really light blue." Are you stupid? It's a darker blue because it's the LATEST ANSWER. The previous answers are always in a lighter color. How stupid can you be?
No, you're stupid...he's saying its fake because in the pic, all of the answerss are the same color.
there is a screenshot button morons. press the "prtsc" (print screen) button and copy it onto whatever you want to.
me: what are you views on justin bieber Clever bot: I'm not going to respond to that, as I don't know enough about communism to have a view on it. 0_o wtf
""To the idiot who wrote "I wonder when someone will invent a screenshot button", and at the time I write this, has the second highest rated comment, just look down at your keyboard and press the "print screen" button. Now open up Microsoft Word, or Paint, and press Ctrl-V to paste the image. PRINT SCREEN IS A FUCKING SCREENSHOT BUTTON! THAT'S WHAT ITS FUCKING FOR!" Thanks for being a smartass. Here is a great website for you to enjoy :)." I'm glad someone has a brain in this fucking retarded shit-site. The fact that it is in the negative means that some people were too T R I G G E R E D by that comment. I hate SJWs.
lol i saw this on deviant art xD
Justin Bieber Lafya
No, it's Tom! Tom is gay! Whoever that may be.
predicting the future
I new it! :v
Oh wow next I will photoshop some friends into my life so i can stop being a pedophile who lives in my moms basement and photoshops sexual hidden messages onto cleverbot and dicks onto the foreheads of beloved children's characters.
I hate when people call Justin Bieber gay. Just saying, we don't want him either...
F*** you beiber
"To the idiot who wrote "I wonder when someone will invent a screenshot button", and at the time I write this, has the second highest rated comment, just look down at your keyboard and press the "print screen" button. Now open up Microsoft Word, or Paint, and press Ctrl-V to paste the image. PRINT SCREEN IS A FUCKING SCREENSHOT BUTTON! THAT'S WHAT ITS FUCKING FOR!" Thanks for being a smartass. Here is a great website for you to enjoy :).
He actually painted on the computer screen then took a photo.
😶 I have no words
What... the fuck.
He isn't gay . You guys are dumb . & rude ; you have no lives . For picking on someone because hes following his dreams . At least he actually has talent instead of most of the dumb ass people who cant sing . dance , or have no talent whatsoever . He has i n c r e d i b l e talent & you should WORSHIP THE FUCKING GROUND HE WALKS ON ! <333333
It's fake. If you don't put a period at the end of your sentence, Cleverbot puts it for you. try it yourself :(
This is fake. All questions asked by the user ALWAYS end with a punctuation mark.
note to self, repeat caption for maximum thumbs up
The magical CLEVERBOT we shall all bow down before thy
Wait whaaat
I tried this with my cleverbot, but instead of saying "look above for the answer" when i asked "who is gay", it said "your boyfriend". well played, cleverbot, well played.
I feel overwhelmed :|
I wonder when someone will invent a screenshot button? there is one on windows 8... (winkey+prt scr) it automatically screenshots... clever bot even knows the this is sparta/patrick memes!
More like , jb obsessed fan can find his name anywhere
Did you seriously take a picture of a screen? I lost all hope in humanity.
did you seriously take a picture of a freakin screen? i lost all hope in humanity.
Cleverbot is Clever