Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Why is the guy's ass a peanut?
Captcha: evernew rest
Yeah, this is how crazy people's minds work.
i lol'd hard
This has to be the one of the most stupid things I've ever seen. It insults you by just looking at it. Well done, whoever posted this. You are a moron.
this guy has full clearance to go on a fuck himself trip
there is an arrow between the E and the x
I am never having FedEx ship my packages ever again.
Somehow, I can totally see myself unseeing this. This is faggotry. "Pond Life"
I approve of this.
He's being a troll, that's how his mind works.
Wow I'd love to see how this guys mind works.
I like b00bs.
why are all you tards approving of this nonsense?
who gets this bored?
4chan party van!
The E has a spoon in it, and between the E and the X is a arrow
Why is the guy's ass a peanut?