Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Jews have put symbols into everything, people just don't know what the symbols are. True story.
wow, look at that.. you can draw a star for no reason ..it doesnt line up with anything, but you drew one anyway
or it could just be a fucking triangle.
So if you draw completely unrelated shit on something, it might sort of look like something else? Awesome, now go kill yourself.
omfg jews want recycle my trash!
Now they can make more money.
Nope. In the upper-left you cut right through the logo. You're trying way too hard to force a symbol into something we see every day. You fail. 0/10. G'bye!
the drawned star doesnt line up with anything, but without the lines u can still see it
Jews have put symbols into everything, people just don't know what the symbols are. True story.