Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Not fcking shit this is elementary school stuff.
Not just older than the internet, but it's older than 90% of you reading this.
so the reverse of 513 is 135... Wrong.. you're doing it
there was a girl who was 69. she had 222 boobs. she went to 51st street to see doctor x at 8 oclock. when she got home, she was ___________ put that into your calculator.
"XD tried this on my calculator it rly works 0,o" God, now is the time... kill us all.
No shit.
BOOBEIS Grammar 2016-2017 Hang you hats in honor for a dear friend and beloved by all hero, Grammar. he was a good friend.
1337...omg looks like leet !!!eleven!!
Not fcking shit this is elementary school stuff.