Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
This is the sole purpose we Norwegians don't join the EU.
Sweden's the penis, Finland's the balls, and Denmark is about to get a faceful!
I'm living in those balls :(
Sweden's the penis, Finland's the balls..
Now imagine Spain and portugal are the head, italy is the legs...
Denmark = Sperm
If Norway joins the EU, Scandinavia is going to have to see a urologist...
Finland's got the balls, Sweden is just a big dick.
ah, yes the fabled pen islad
I'm from Norway, and I confirm that this is why we are not members of EU
If you read the 2nd highest rated comment..... Then think of Hetalia...... Nasty
so were just fucking god's testicles??
If you read the 2nd highest rated comment..... Then think of Hetalia...... Nasty
Do you see the 666? Six stars on top, connected by six bars to six more stars. Deliberate? And the naughty country does not look thusly on a map. Accidental?
4th grade humour.. :S
Looks like Scandinavia left a little Denmark on top of Germany...
it is funny.
Its just coz the EU dicks on its individual state countries....
obviously its calling their form of money for dicks only.
I haven't been able to unsee this since I was like 11 years old... I didn't know anybody else saw this until now. Thank you guys.
The vikings must have claimed the borders of Sweden for the specific purpose of having the biggest dick in the world.
No wonder ari vatanen did it sideways.
This is why Norway is required for the EU to work.
well some other guys noticed it and now they changed it! They'll add another country so it wont look like a monstercock anymore :p
This is a reason why i don't want to live in Finland.
I thought I was the only one that noticed that hahaha. Since I was in 6th grade.
HEY!! thats my country
European Mindfuck
thats sweden retards... look at a fucking map for crying out loud
It's because Norway isn't in the EU, so they don't put it on the coins.
What the hell happened with norway
i was just looking at a piece of 2 euro. i will never look at it again
In sweden this is common knowledge
I know they say European money is gay but WTF...
EU circumcised Norway of the map
I have a feeling god did not make those borders
They included everything they loved in the coin... XD
They've thought of them as dicks this whole time?! Bastards!
It looks like a snake to me.
omg i live in a penis
Well you could say Swedan is *puts on glasses* A Dick YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Fucking Scandinavia!!!" Finland isn't part of Scandinavia. I live there, I know.
Yeah, the polish don't ant that face-full so they ran here to UK underneath busses(nit really, a lot of 'em are legal)
just grow up
I live in those balls....
That particular geographical feature is called the mull of kintyre. It was actually used for a while as a measurement to determine whether or not a penis could be shown on tv.
If you read the 2nd highest rated comment..... Then think of Hetalia...... Nasty
Kroner Boner!
"Fucking Scandinavia!!!" Finland isn't part of Scandinavia. I live there, I know. excuse me but what the fuck ? i live in finland too and i totally know that finland is a part of scanidavia.
No, Denmark is the cum, duh.
Florida looks like a penis too, right? Florida: 65,795 sq mi. Sweden: 173,745 sq mi.
The only way to travel form finland is through sweden and onto germanys face.
This is the only reason the UK left Europe.
thats what i see since i was 5yrs old man i even told a friend he ironicly laughed and didnt cared but i knew what i saw and now you post it
hey!! where did norway go ;D
This is the sole purpose we Norwegians don't join the EU.