Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
maybe if you hadn't drawn all over it
No, I'm preeeeetty sure it's a guy eating pizza...
you should've just flipped it instead of drawing all over it.
i've stared at this for like, 10 effing minutes and i just can't see it. can't you just flip the fuckin' picture to show it?
et tu, brute?
Im from the UK and we don't have this here, but I saw it how op described it first..... I then read the comments to see someone say it's a many eating a pizza @,@
Little Caesar's is awesome! I love their pizza. Also, there's absolutely nothing odd about their logo.
If you'd have pointed out that he looks like he's eating a duck with measles, I'd be with you. The bearded, cone-headed, devil-horned hand guy is a bit of a stretch.
Sorta looks like the grim reaper... no idea if that's what the uploader was getting at though...
OMG i think I actually see it
I saw this straight away. Spent 2 minutes trying to find the original one lol
Devil horn hands? What the hell is a horn hand?
little caesar's pizza is crap!
not seein it.
you drew a dick xD
I think the hair is supposed to be a razor mouth. I sorta see what he's gettin at...
This is one of my favourites! The two arms are still the two arms, but the head is facing the other way. The pizza guy's hair is the hidden guy's facial hair. Their eyes are the same.
I always thought it was the guy from the Pink Panther cartoons.
They will never accept this... There is no pokemon...
this makes me mad theres nothing wrong with it
...the pizza!pizza! is a much better type of pizza than!
how is hair a face? how is one eye an eyebrow? how is a fucking stick a beard? & you would use a pepper as "devil horn hands." were yu on something when yu uploaded this ?
he looks mad because you drew all over him while he was trying to eat
Okay, you want me to tilt it. Fine. I can respect that... I tilted it. It looks exactly like I've just tilted a logo of Little Caesar's Pizza. You've just blown my f*cking mind. Idiots. What am I even LOOKING at?
0-0 i was eating thier pizza when i saw this.... T_T
maybe if you hadn't drawn all over it