Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
no it shouldn't fuckin be anything because it's just a handicapped guy and nothing else. It only looks like anything if you change the colors the way this guy did. Even then it hardly looks like the legs make an "N". And what about the arms? what are those supposed to be huh? An AK-47? Because if you wanna start warping images whichever way you want, you can make it that.
who ever posted that long comment , i love you.
The top comment is better than the actual image.
to whoever posted this, you're a dumbass
I Never Cared
This is bullsh*t.
What happened to the handi-capper's arm?
This site is populated by fucking retards who have missed the point altogether! Im gone
If you recolor, then cut and paste poorly, you could make a handicap sign into anything.
They ordered the letters wrong, its actually ICN which stands for I C NO as in I see no pokemon
someone has a lot of time on their hands.....
INComing pain?
these pictures suck
Looks like a ray gun to me
Top comment is made of win.
no it shouldn't fuckin be anything because it's just a handicapped guy and nothing else. It only looks like anything if you change the colors the way this guy did. Even then it hardly looks like the legs make an "N". And what about the arms? what are those supposed to be huh? An AK-47? Because if you wanna start warping images whichever way you want, you can make it that.