Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Suomi on pallit, ja Ruotsi kyrpä...
trying too hard
it looks like a dinosaur with hair and a tit for! the penis and balls looks believable. And yes...God is not the one who made the boundaries, 'tard.
it's not God who made boundaries of countries....
It's a dog wearing a mask with a pokemon next to it.
tilt your head to the left, you'll see a little guy with his mouth open and a tail. xD
dog with a mask.
I have a horrible suspicion that this has to do with sex. It does, doesn't it?
Finally I get these Findland/Sweden pictures. I't Itallys missing sock, rigth?
I can't imagine being Poland's nose right now...
Kinda true for Hockey! If my logic is right we should see Canada fucking the US on a map!
honestly. trying waaay to hard, okay i admit that it kindof looks like a penis, but as for the "person" on the left, what the fuck? You can hardly call that a person.
ok... who made Denmark sperm
Just go ahead and erase Denmark...
The "person" looks more like a young chicken. Jus' Sayin'
To me, it just looks like a lumpy middle-aged woman screaming with a leg growing out her back. Also, a flabby armpit directly below an arm bent in the perfect position for a lumberjack to sing with.
"Kinda true for Hockey! If my logic is right we should see Canada fucking the US on a map!" The US should hand over a dick-shaped chunk of land just for laughs.
@ DENMARK NO LONGER EXCISTS. D:" ... Denmark is the semen you idiot xD
Moral of the Story... Sweden pisses on Germany
I always referred to Norway and Sweeden as the testicles of the world.
if you turn it it kinda looks like charmander
Poland is the, "shit"
Suomi on pallit, ja Ruotsi kyrpä...