Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
no its a guy cooking chicken.. tennesee is the pan, and kentucky is the chicken (kentucky fried chicken
If I see this one more time .___.
waste of 4 seconds of my life
Doh, god. How many times will I see this exact picture on this fucking site?!
holy shit! he has a sword penis
haha North Carolina got creamed on
He forgot the chicken.
Minus the Tennessee penis, I learned about this thing in school.
Will the poster get sued by
Tennessee is up yours
It's a Man takin a piss. Lousiana is hte boot, Arkansas is the legs, Misourri is the chest, Iowa is the face and Minnesota is the hat. Guess what Tennessee is???
I'm guessing people from Tennessee don't enjoy seeing this picture...but then again, neither does everyone else...
Is that Canada screwing the US?
havnt seen that on e before. PEOPLE, GET SOME ORIGINALLITY!
to me it looks like a guy "Poking" north carolina
ive seen this about 50 times and i still have no idea what it is
this isn't about pokemon
Captain obvious strikes again.
It's a retard desperate for +1 Internet points.
Tennessee is about to get sprinkled on by a George Bush sized droopy babymaker, that's what I fucking see. I'm going to go eat some lead based paint now. Where have all the original ideas gone I ask?
Holy shit, how many times is this going to be fucking posted?!
Someone's kicking kicked in the Tennessee.
Elmer Fudd wat.
If i see this one more time, I will shoot someone!
It's either this or the 2012 blow job thing. Every once in a while you'll get the camel cigarettes thing.
no its a guy cooking chicken.. tennesee is the pan, and kentucky is the chicken (kentucky fried chicken