Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
. . . I just spent a minute trying get a speck of dirt off my screen, turns out it was part of the picture. Which means I just spent a minute scratching Jesus' wanker. Lovely.
ilaughed a little to hard at the first coment..because i did the same thing
haha 69 thumbs up
Does anyone even see the kid giving head to the priest in the right??????
lol @ captcha itifix things
LOL - Jesus has a Sweden/Findland picture on his uderwear
i laughed so friggin hard at the first comment and lol @ my captcha: brains nunnery
I think they're both photoshopped, but the photo on the right was done better. So basically, this photo is pointless.
Well what do you expect? They're PRIESTS, after all.
The caption literally made me Laugh out loud.
I did it too :( I feel dirty lol
". . . I just spent a minute trying get a speck of dirt off my screen, turns out it was part of the picture. Which means I just spent a minute scratching Jesus' wanker. Lovely." don't worry, Jesus will (let's hope) forgive you, and quite frankly when i said jesus will forgive you i realize what i type to make this appear is and cowlick so Jesus will forgive you and cowlick
The penis on Jesus is photoshopped. The pedo priests on the other hand...
so buhjebus had a boner when he died?
kinda looks shoped if you look close .
Shopped penis fail.
The one on the left is photoshopped you cunts
wow, who knew that's why their are so many pedophiles out there... god really wanted us to be them....
a ticket to hell has never been funnier.
way to ms paint a penis on jesus, see you in hell. :)
. . . I just spent a minute trying get a speck of dirt off my screen, turns out it was part of the picture. Which means I just spent a minute scratching Jesus' wanker. Lovely.