Comments On This Can't Be Unseen Picture
Everything I know is a lie
so all I need to do to put a picture on here is to find a picture of something, open in "paint" change some colours, change some lines, draw an outline of a penis, then rotate it upside down. wicked
Morgan Freeman is not amused.....
Bathing Ape
Mother. Fucker. I think I might cry. CARTMAN YOU LIED TO ME!
how about "NO"
who the hell comes up with this crap?
I now it!
noooooooo my life is a lie.
what the hell monkey is that?
Anybody notice the first picture is sort of like kenny? OMG! KARTMAN IS KENNY!!!!111!!one!!!111
Honestly, this fails so bad, it will be unseen.
who comes up with this shit?
Haha my captcha wants a burger and fries
Monkey see, monkey.....uh....
thats just recycling. dont freak out
I couldn't see this if I tried.
this proves everyone was originated by all makes sense now
Everything I know is a lie